TO-DO: Sign up with this form.
WHAT: weekend camping trip to the Southern Adirondacks. Primary hiking choices: (Choice 1, adv) rock climbing , (Choice 2, med) day hikes ~15 miles. , and (Choice 3, beg) day hikes ~10 miles.
WHEN: fri-sun, Nov. 1-3, 2019.
WHERE: Lake George So. Adirondacks. Base Camp: Moreau Lake Campground site #20. Satellite camp: Dacy Clearing.
HOW: Use the form to sign up and select your transportation. Transportation options will be added to the spreadsheet as needed.
WHY: Fellowship, views, and experience.
PRICE: $40/person
We’d like to camp near Dacy Clearing, but it is first come first serve and there’s no cell-service there. From Dacy clearing, there is no driving necessary and much hiking starts from the camp location. At base camp in Moreau Lake Park, there is also some hiking that starts at the camp. Groups will be made the first night and each will have a hiking plan provided to them by me (but like, if you have plan feel free to do it.) Hikes around Dacy Clearing. Hikes around Lake Moreau.
NEED to Bring:
Sleeping bag / pad
Water Bottle
Flashlight / headlamp
jacket (may freeze at night)
Recommended items:
camping chair
swim wear
hiking shoes
Bug spray
campfire instrument
non-cotton clothes
Provided equipment
Provided Meals
Sat Breakfast
Sat Lunch – (packable)
Sat Dinner
Sun Lunch – (packable)
Sun Breakfast
If you’re interested in helping out by
helping with cooking,
leading a hike,
driving, or
providing equipment.
Then please email