Tag Archives: Welcome


Welcome to the new and improved Mountaineering Club Website!

We have converted over from a static website to a more dynamic blog using WordPress so that other members of the club can contribute posts without needing any sort of programming background. In fact if you want to contribute content to the site, please let us know by filling out the form on the Contact Us page, and we can add you as an editor!

Some other cool features of the new site are forms for subscribing and unsubscribing to the PUMC List-Serv, which is where the club communicates all of the trips and outings that we take. It is pretty informal, but please do not request to be unsubscribed by emailing the whole list. I have created this nifty page to help you with that difficult task.

It would be great to get an up-to-date calendar on the site, and maybe move some of the traffic off our the list-serv and onto the blog. For now our main goal of the site is to announce cool trips and show off some of the fun adventures that we have. Don’t be afraid of giving suggestions or asking to contribute! We are a pretty welcoming bunch.