PUMC List-Serv
The club currently communicates via a Princeton University List-Serv called PUMC. To request access to the List-Serv follow the instructions on the List-Serv Subscribe Page.
To request to be removed from the PUMC List-Serv follow the instructions on the List-Serv Unsubscribe Page.
If you are interested in changing your subscription so that you receive one email a day, go to our List-Serv Settings Page.
Climbing Team List-Serv
In addition the the general purpose PUMC list-serv, a climbing team list-serv can be similarly accessed by sending an email to listserv@princeton.edu from the email you wish to receive the list-serve emails, with no subject and “subscribe climbingteam firstname lastname” in the body.
To unsubscribe send an email to listserv@princeton.edu from the email you wish to unsubscribe, with no subject and “signoff climbingteam firstname lastname” in the body.
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